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About Our School





Mission Statement

The Mission of Eau Claire High School is to provide all students with a high-quality education that leads to a productive citizenship in a global society.


Alma Mater

To Thee our Alma Mater, Our voices sing thy praise, Our Eau Claire shines above the rest, It will throughout our days. From vic'try unto vic'try, Our Shamrock never die. O'Green and White we love thee, All hail to Eau Claire High.

Forever will we cherish, The days we spent with thee, Thy honor that's exalted shall, Never cease to be. The glory in eternity, Beams on thee from the sky, O'Green and White we love thee, All hail to Eau Claire High.


School Motto

"Truth, Honor, Loyalty"


School Colors

Green, White, Orange


School Mascot
